Get the Spark You Need to Ignite Your Next Level in Life
In this laser-focused Inner Child and Generational Trauma Healing session, you will re-emerge feeling lighter and more empowered.
In this 90-minute session, I'll be walking you through my signature SPARK Method to uncover and heal any childhood wounds and generational trauma that is preventing you from moving forward towards your desires and goals in your life, relationships, and/or career.

This is for you if...
👉🏼 You often sit in your ‘negative’ emotions loooong after a situation has happened, letting the feelings fester until they take over
👉🏼 You make the same mistakes over and over again and find yourself in toxic patterns, no matter how much mindset work you do
👉🏼 You keep yourself small because you’re constantly fighting against yourself, you keep yourself from playing big because you’re afraid
👉🏼 As a child you didn’t feel like your feelings mattered; they were often dismissed or “brushed under the rug”
👉🏼 You hold onto self-sabotaging tendencies, even though you know that they hold you back
What you get...
✔️ 90-minute coaching session using the S.P.A.R.K Method
- S - Setting the stage and pinpointing the characters in your life who've contributed to your core wounds
P - Pinpoint the root cause (what's the root of the challenges and problems you're currently experiencing)
A - Acknowledge the challenge (we'll figure out how these wounds are currently affecting all areas of your life)
R - Release so you can heal (I'll be walking you through 2 visualizations to heal an energetic relationship with a parent/caregiver)
K - Keys to freedom (where you'll have what you need to implement into your business and relationships and take it to the next level!
✔️ Soul Path + Current Life Lesson Energy Reading - to gain clarity on your past, present, and future
✔️ 1 Week of Unlimited Signal Support (voice messaging platform)
✔️ Lifetime Access to the recording of your session
✔️ Google doc with session notes and action steps to integrate this work into your life, career, and relationships
✔️ Lifetime Access to Inner Child Healing Course
✔️ BONUS: 3x Branding Clarity Worksheets (for business owners)
✔️ Support - Your session is fully guaranteed. If we don't meet the goals we mutually define during your session, I will continue to work with you for free until we get that result.
Once payment is submitted, you will be sent an email within 24 hours:
- To schedule your Spark Session
- To create a login for your Kajabi portal to access the Inner Child Healing Course
If you have ANY questions or issues, please email us at [email protected] and we'll get you taken care of!

- Mikaela S.

- Kaiya. M